Ebb and Flow, Artlink Fort Wayne, IN
Solo exhibition: May 2, 2024- June 3, 2024
I am deeply fascinated by the natural processes of growth—the way plants expand, spread, and occupy space in their environment. It's a concept that resonates with me on a profound level. When I work on my projects, I often find myself envisioning this process, allowing it to inform and guide my creative endeavors. It's an intuitive journey that feels deeply connected to the rhythms of nature. One of the most fulfilling experiences for me is entering a gallery space and allowing my work to unfold and evolve within the space, as it wants to, much like a plant flourishing in its natural habitat.
This solo exhibit provides a glimpse into my artistic exploration, emphasizing the fusion of the natural world with unconventional printmaking techniques and other materials. The Kozo papers, imbued with the sun's essence and marked by reticulation patterns, showcase the delicate dance between materials and environment. Additionally, the incorporation of fallen seed pods and branches adds a tactile and dimensional aspect to my evolving works. The exploration of bryozoans, digitally manipulated and combined, further demonstrates my commitment to uncovering the interconnectedness of life forms.
This exhibition would not be possible without a generous grant from Potter College of Arts and Letters, Western Kentucky University. Special thanks to Ellen Mensch, Exhibition Coordinator and Executive Director, Lynette Scott and everyone at Artlink for all of your assistance and support in making this exhibition happen. Here is a link to my work on their website
Abundance #2, laser engravings (hand printed in intaglio and relief), stains (walnut, red tea, ink), wax on kozo papers, various found materials: branches, seed pods, plants, hair, recycled latex paint, wax, string, bamboo hoops, glue, magic, 10ft x 60ft x 20ft, 2022-2024
Rt side- Growth 1 and 4, each are 8ft x 33.5in, relief engraving, walnut stain, Shoji Kozo paper, 2024
Collection #1, Various found natural materials (sweet gum, milk weed, magnolia, lotus), wax, string, intaglio prints, latex paint, 2023-24