Droppings Mixed Media Paintings
These are all mixed media encaustic paintings based on tracings from objects found in the natural world. Works were inspired by my three dogs Eva, Biggie and Honey.
Droppings #3, Lithography, relief, encaustic, 24 x 36, 2003
Composition #1, Lithography, encaustic, woodcut, collagraph, 10 x10, 2003
Droppings #3 (detail)
Composition #14, Encaustic, woodcut, collagraph, 10 x10, 2003
Composition 13, Encaustic, screenprinting 12 x 12, 2003
Composition 12, Screenprinting, encaustic, ink, 12 x 12, 2003
Composition #15, Encaustic, woodcut, collagraph, 10 x10, 2003
Composition 11, Encaustic, relief, 12 x 12, 2003
Composition 10, encaustic, screenprinting 10×12, 2002
Composition #6, Encaustic, relief, lithography, 12×12, 2003
Composition #2, Encaustic, woodcut, collagraph, 10 x10, 2003

Droppings Installation Series
This work is based on tracings of organic shapes. All work is a combination of media, including a variety of printmaking techniques (collagraph, woodcut, screen print) and layers of Asian and rag papers dipped in wax and hand sewn together in groups of two or three layers.
Organic Forms, Wood cut, collagraph, wax, thread, 5 ft x 6ft, 2002
Organic Forms (detail)
Organic Forms (detail)
Droppings #1, woodcut, collagraph, screenprinting, 36 x36, 2002
Droppings #2 woodcut, collagraph, screenprinting, 36 x36, 2002
Droppings #2 (detail)